
Note on Sub Salt Horizons or High Velocity Variable Thickness Formations

03-07-2021 Geophysics 1

The quality and quantity of the data is a key elements on the results obtained from these data; in most cases, the quantity of the seismic data on the gulf of Suez province is fair enough to convince the explorationists that they did everything to fulfill their workflow, but, the expert geologists and geophysicist work on the gulf of Suez know that the quality of the seismic data degraded by a different geological reasons some of these reasons could be the occurrence of salt and anhydrite in different formations, the variation of the lithology and thicknesses in the salt layers, the lateral change in lithology and velocity within the half graben, the severe faulting. These reasons could be accompanied by another seismic features such as strong multiple generator both of them short period and long period, the interbedd multiples, in the onshore areas you should take care about the statistics, and in the offshore areas you should investigate and test the multiples related to the mud line, in most cases, the result of the processing and after all the processing workflows, you will face the same problem there is a clear difference between the geology and the seismic!! I try to understand what is the main problem in G.O.S and how can I arrange our priorities in that areas, for that I start to build very simple velocity model and run a synthetic seismic model to study these points and other.

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