
Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation: South Siwa - Diyur area, West Western Desert, Egypt.

29-06-2021 Geophysics 1618

The study area is located in the north Western Desert directly to the southwest of the Siwa Oasis and adjacent the Egyptian Libyan border. The regional structural surface features in the study area are the trending Bahariya and Farafra anticlines, interpreted as a deeply eroded and inverted Late Cretaceous anticlinal Structures on the southern extension of the Syrian arc system. The present study was started by selecting one of the 2D seismic lines to evaluate and discuss the main problems affecting the seismic records, such as (transmission loss, multiple reflection, reflection time delay and lateral velocity contrasts), after testing the optimum processing sequences have applied on all the 2D seismic data set. The new 2D processing sequence and parameters have improved the data compared to the old processing sequence. This study shows that the using of 2D optimal processing sequence and parameters, should enhance the exploration and development efforts in the study area. The interpretation of the subsurface is based on 40 lines of reprocessed 2D seismic vintage. The results of the 2D seismic interpretation helped in understanding the tectonic history of the study area. Evidences for the affecting area of study by four major geotectonic cycle Caledonian cycle (Cambrian-Devonian),Variscan-Hercynian (Late Paleozoic), Cimmerian/Tethyan (TriassicEarly Cretaceous) and Sub-Hercynian Early Syrian Arc (Turonian- Santonian) documented from the interpretation of the seismic data set. Detailed time and depth structure maps of the study area show multiple separate structural culminations during this study. The maximum structural closure of the culminations is at the central part of the study area at a horst block.


EL-SAYED, A.1, SHEBL, A.1, FATHY, M. EL-ARABY, M. and HAMZA, E. 1 Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 2 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. 3 Maswa Petroleum International.

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