
Instructor info

GeoGim Instructors Qualifications: MSc. Degree or higher degrees More than 15 years of experience for under-graduates to intermediate courses More than 20 years of experience for intermediate to experts courses

Fundamentals of Practical Seismic Interpretation

Geophysics Seismic Data Interpretation Juniors-Seniors

Course Outlines: Introduction to seismic reflection methods. Seismic data loading and geometrical QCs Synthetic seismograms generation and applications. Seismic-well tie and calibration Seismic markers characterization and identification. Horizons picking techniques, and faults interpretation. Time to depth conversion techniques. Mapping and calibration methods. Course Outcomes: Understanding basic knowledge for seismic interpretation. Practicing seismic data loading and QCs Practicing synthetic seismograms generation and calibration Ability to start conducting seismic data interpretation Obtaining the skills to generate calibrated time/depth maps Course Duration: 2 hours per day for 5 days, Online

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