Evaluation of Passible Gas Potentiality in Miocene Reservoirs, North Sinai - Offshore East Mediterranean, Egypt.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to evaluate the Miocene structure as a shallow target using the available 3D seismic data to delineate the possible gas prospects by generating amplitude maps for the shallow horizons to delineate the possible amplitude bright spots to indicate the Gas anomalies within the study area, computing of the standard post-stack AVO attributes to identify AVO anomaly classifications, computing AVO inversion and acoustic impedance to delineate the elastic parameters, integrating results of the structure depth maps and amplitude maps with the AVO attributes and inversion to delineate the gas potentiality, creating prospect inventory map to delineate the possible leads and prospects and evaluating the potential targets for Miocene reservoirs. The Miocene section is associated with two types of potential reservoirs; channel and deepwater fan sandstones; Upper Miocene carbonate buildups. Miocene reefal buildups in Sinai offshore area were not drilled, so their prospects are not clear. The most interest in the Miocene interval is the possible organogenic carbonate buildups. Generally, they can be recognized on the seismic time sections by their typical morphology, dome-like top and dish-shaped reflections in the lower part of the target. At that, they are subdivided into two groups, subject to the inner pattern of a seismic record; the first group is located at the northwestern part of the territory under study, and is represented by a laminated character of internal reflections. In the northwestern and northern parts of the study area, in Upper Miocene section, we have delineated the possible organogenic carbonate buildups. As a potential Lower Miocene reservoir in the southwestern part of the area, we have mapped a prospective deepwater fan. We propose a new discovery by studying hydrocarbon pools related to possible Upper Miocene organogenic carbonate buildups, we recommend to drill C-1 well in the northern part of the study area.